Amazon SageMaker Here To Simplify Machine Learning

Robot Thinking

Sage? Having trouble with machine learning? Just call in the sage, then! Funkily named, Amazon SageMaker is the company’s effort of empowering developers to incorporate ML into their apps.

Or more specifically, the applications they are building for the cloud.

This new toolkit was detailed by AWS at its re:Invent event last week, with the company claiming that it is designed to help developers build smarter, AI driven applications like an artificial intelligence expert.

Tall claims to make, but there’s enough juice here, as you’ll find out in a minute.

Basically, this new tool is focused on machine learning, which is an artificial intelligence technology that enables applications to learn without being explicitly programmed. In other words, they become smarter based on the frequency and volume of new data that they analyze.

The only problem is that this is the domain of only a few — only a handful of developers are experts in machine learning.

Enter the sage.

SageMaker is geared towards this audience. It is a fully managed service for developers and data scientists that want to build, train, and manage their own machine learning models. They get a selection of ten of the most commonly used deep learning algorithms, specify their data source, and off they go.

The tool automatically installs and configures the underlying drivers and frameworks, natively integrating with machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Apache MXNet in the process.

Hence the name.

Sure, Amazon makes it clear that developers can specify their own algorithms and frameworks, just as easily. That is to say, Amazon wants to provide a middle ground for developers, by offering them a flexible machine learning solution that doesn’t require them to have special skills.

For starters, NFL has already confirmed plans to use SageMaker to add visualizations, stats, and experiences for fans, and provide them with updated information about the players.

More organizations are sure to follow.

Find out more details on Amazon SageMaker on the official site, and decide if it’s for you.