AWS White Papers

AWS White Papers

AWS White Papers

Welcome to the AWS White Papers Page.

This section is a curation of AWS white papers that are essential to understanding the wide range of Amazon Web Services.

You can see the full list of Amazon Web Services (AWS) white papers we have chosen below.

At AWSforBusiness we aim to bring you all the best and most relevant white papers that are available on the web.

Happy reading

What is Amazon Web Services by Amazon

AWS Well Architected Framework by Amazon

AWS Cloud Adoption Framework by Amazon

AWS Security Best Practices by Amazon

How AWS Pricing Works by Amazon

Architecting for the Cloud: AWS Best Practices by Amazon

Migrating Microsoft Azure SQL Databases to AWS Aurora by Amazon

AWS Database Migration Service Best Practices by Amazon

Migrating Amazon RDS MySQL databases to Amazon VPC by Amazon

Migrate AWS Resources to a New Region by Amazon

Amazon Aurora Migration Handbook by Amazon